Sunday, December 5, 2010

An Instructors Weekly Report 1

The first week of the season has just finished. The snow was fabulous due to the fresh snow

and the very cold weather. We had no clients so I was able to play. There will be another two weeks

before the British groups arrive, so I shall have plenty of time to play with no work. I am reminded

of the old saying “All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy”.

In two weeks, we will be hearing the familiar questions; What is the snow like, Answer, "White, cold and very slippery and “What do you do in the summer?” Answer "Instructors do very similar things to the rest of you. I know that lists make very boring reading. Nevertheless I am going make a list of some of the jobs that instructors do in the Summer: Steel Erector, Electrician, Campsite Manager ,Housewife and mother, Mountain Walk Guide, Barman, Chef, Sound Engineer, Musician, Facilities Manager, Sailing Instructor, Australian Ski Instructor, Geologist (mud logger), Builder's Labourer, Garden site assistant and a Police Pensioner, just to mention a few."

Try to guess which one of the above was your instructor. Wait until the end of the week and ask if you were right. We are looking forward to seeing you all, in two weeks time

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