Saturday, January 24, 2009


Unfortunately, we have had a wet and windy end to the week. It is no consolation to this week’s clients, telling them that the people last week had wonderful weather. Like a beach holiday, there is not much that one can do about the weather. This time of the year, we usually enjoy good conditions. It may make feel bette,r that I have been hearing from home that the weather in the UK has been foul. Most people here enjoyed the skiing with a taste of the new snow.

Now, for a bit of random news: the PALARINE had a flying car in the garage this week. A group of very nice people are driving this car from London to Timbuktu and hope to fly it across the straights of Gibraltar. They stayed at this hotel before driving through Spain. Their progress can be found online at skycar expedition.

I may be in for a hectic social few days. Tonight I am going to a 21st birthday celebration for Ciara, one of my beginners, in the Derby. Then tomorrow, it is a Burns Night Party in the Barsolana. Next Thursday, there will be a grand Scottish Dinner Dance, to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. There will be roast Scotch beef and other Scottish dishes, including haggis. There will be jigs and reels, and dancing to music by TREVOR, who will be accompanied, this year, by the beautiful IRENE on her flute. It sounds like a great evening but I will have to keep reminding myself that I shall be working on Friday, with the weekly ski school race.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

We have just finished a great week of skiing. I had a class of intermediate level 1. They enjoyed a whole week of near perfect conditions, with cold but sunny days and even a little covering of snow on Wednesday. The group mixed well together and spent several evenings chatting after watching on T.V. a recording of our day’s skiing. There were two incidents that marred an otherwise perfect week. Firstly, a very talented skier called Clare, was knocked out by a snowboarder on Thursday. She suffered no last injury and was able to come up the mountain on Friday to collect her well earned Diploma. This raised the ongoing question, should skiers and snowboarders be segregated? A few boarders with an appalling attitude and disregard of others give the whole sport a bad name. I do not believe that any lift company here would ban them from certain runs, because they want their money. The other incident involved the fastest skier in the group and favourite to win the end of week slalom. She failed to attend the Friday class and race due to an overdose of alcohol on Thursday. I will not mention the name of this lady for obvious reasons. Come back next year S???Y and win the race. The fastest skier on the day was the ever cheerful, Karen. Well done you deserved your medal.

I would like to mention that on Saturday 24th in the Barsolanna, we will be celebrating the 250th birth of Robert Burns. This is a new venue for the Annual Arinsal Burns Night. It has a good dance floor, so we hope to have the Longest “Strip the Willow” in the history of Arinsal. It is usually a fun evening, so if there are any fellow Jocks here that week remember that there will be a free drink for anyone wearing a kilt

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Regular readers of this column will realise that I spend my days in the healthy open air in the Mountains and my nights in Smokey Bars. Guests from Ireland and Britain are often upset that they can no longer enjoy a drink in a smoke free atmosphere. This is because Andorra has not yet caught up with the rest of the civilised world, in banning smoking in public places. Andorra WILL catch up. They always do, women have had the vote here for almost 39 years.

At home, smoking is mainly confined to the poor and the stupid, I realise that there are exceptions to this, but in Spain and Andorra even clever people in well paid jobs smoke. This may be partly due to the cost of cigarettes, I have seen cartons of 200 being sold for about 10 euros, although names that I recognise, from Formula One Cars cost about double this. Smokers, please remember that Andorra is not in the E.U. so you cannot take back an unlimited amount. This would deny our beloved leader, Mr. Brown (blessed be his name) from earning much need taxation.

Recently I have noticed that some very polite smokers from home have been going outside or into the entrance to the bar rather than polluting the whole area. This must be a good habit from home. However there are many more smokers, who selfishly ruin the atmosphere for others. If I am in such a bar, I usually inform the staff that I am leaving as it is too smokey. I think that if more people did this, bar owners would be forced to install decent ventilation or ban smoking. In the current financial climate, no bar wants to loose custom.

The Palarine has a strict NO SMOKING policy in the dining room but do allow it in the bar. Last summer they considered banning smoking in the bar during July and August. They have a charming outside patio, which gets the evening sun, where smokers were going to be encouraged to take their drinks. Sadly they did not try it in case it offended the Hispanic market. It would not work this time of the year ,as it is under snow at present.

Enough of my whingeing, I have had a pleasant week, with a very kind group of good intermediates. We enjoyed some great skiing but had to put up with poor visibility due to snow on a couple of mornings. All things considered, a great week.