Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Last year we held a very successful Burns’ Night in the RED X bar. Two clients, who attended this party are returning this year. Due to a gap in TV production JAKE, who was here with his brother also called JAKE, is going to spend two weeks here to include Burns night. He will arrive on Sunday. His stay will overlap with SPECIAL K “, who is another fan of Burns night. This will be SPECIAL K’s 5th visit to ARINSAL. This remarkable and popular lady has won her ski school race on her 4 previous visits. Can she make it 5 in a row? Watch this space for the answer. This year she is bringing her man on his first ever skiing holiday. The ARINSAL Ski School are excellent at helping first time skiers to enjoy the sport. We all hope that Steve becomes another fan of ARINSAL and will return on many occasions in the future.
ARINSAL has a large amount of clients returning each season. This is particularly the case with our many Irish guests.
Now for some information for our first time visitors;
A frequently asked question is,“What group should I join?
The answer is fairly obvious if you have never put on skis. You go to the beginner’s class.
If you have skied before and when you stand outside the ski school and look to the right, you will see a 4 seat chair lift. If you can safely ski underneath it, you should go to the intermediate groups, where you will be graded and put into a suitable class. In Arinsal we have levels 1, 2 and 3 for intermediate skiers.

The problem group are those people who have skied before but do not feel confident enough to join the intermediate group. They should go to the dry slope/ advanced beginner’s group. This applies to people who have had two hours on a plastic slope or went skiing 35 years ago with the school and anyone in between. I have this group this week. We spend a little time classifying these clients to make 3 or 4 different levels.
Skiing is like falling off a bicycle or eating cucumber. It soon comes back to you.

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