Saturday, December 29, 2007

First weeks teaching with number one

The first real week of teaching has just finished. All the instructors had work. As it was Christmas week there were a lot of children in ski school. The younger ones and beginners were kept in childrens groups. I had an intermediate group which consisted of 5 well behaved older children and 7 adults. They were a nice mixture of Dutch, Irish and English. We all got along together and we often went out in the evening, as a group, to watch our video. A lot of the bars take videos of the groups skiing and show them to entertain the drinkers in their bar. No one bar could accommodate the whole ski school so you must find out, from your instructor, which bar, if any, videoed you that day. These videos are not only amusing but can be a useful training aid. The kids loved to see themseves going over jumps! As the schools are still on holiday, I would expect a lot of children next week. We would also expect a lot of merrymakers, out to celibrate the New Year. Still no new snow, but it is still cold, so think white.

1 comment:

The mad ones from Chester! said...

We had a fab time in Arinsal and Matthew was a superb instructor who was very patient! Our fellow ski schoolers were all a little bit mad but very fun, can't wait to hear from you all.
Missing ski school already

Happy New Year

Best Wishes

Nick, Vicki, Kyle & Phoebe x