Saturday, February 6, 2010

My luck is definitely in this year. I had a wonderful group yet again. The men were of mixed ages; father and son, grandfather and grandson and Mike, aka Elvis, a local entertainer, of indeterminate years. The ladies were all lovely and liked to party. Some of them would have had a quicker time in the slalom race if they had enjoyed themselves just a little less in the evenings. They had a great time and I very much enjoyed their company.

I would like to mention one young lady, Debra, who arrived in the resort on Saturday and so was able to have a private lesson with me on Sunday. We progressed so well on the beginners’ lift that she was able to join my intermediate (1) on Monday morning. This returns me to one of my favourite topics; private or group lessons? There is absolutely no doubt that progression is much faster with private lesson.. This week I had private lessons with two separate ladies, who were very timid and tense. They both would have hated the pressure and competitiveness of a group lesson.. I honestly believe that they made great progress during their lessons. I am not against joining a collective class. It is ideal for some people. It gives you the opportunity to meet lots of other people and as Arinsal is a small and friendly resort, there is a huge chance that you will meet other class members in the evening. This all makes for a great social life.

Earlier in the week I was involved in m impromptu Malt Whisky tasting session, hosted by Graham at the Palarine. Stuart (BBA) sadly missed this event as he was enjoying one of his many evenings off. We are considering organising a tutored Malt Whisky Tasting Evening in March, when we will taste six classic malts. However, I am reminded of an old Scottish saying regarding whisky:

ONE is fine,
TWO is too many, but
THREE is never enough.

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