Sunday, December 7, 2008

The first week ofthe season

We have just finished our first week of skiing. The main topic of conversation has been the weather. We had had a bit of snow most days but with one glorious clear sunny day, after a night of snow. The off piste was brilliant. I was just sorry that my little old legs were not stronger, so that I could have stayed out a bit longer. As usual at this time of the year there are very few visitors. It really was delightful to be able to ski from the top of the Les Fonts chair to the bottom without seeing another skier. With so few people we have been able to ski the off piste powder without tracking it all. It is not all good news. On the days that it snowed, the visibility was poor but with so few people here it great skiing. As one sage said, “If it was always this quiet, I am sure more people would come skiing.”

This weekend is a Spanish holiday so we are expecting more skiers until Monday, then it should be quiet again. From 8th to 20th December the HOTEL PALARINE are offering great deals to anyone that can get here. I stay there but don’t let that put you off. I suspect that the other hotels will be doing the same. This is a short report as I cannot hang about typing when there is was great skiing to be had.

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