Saturday, February 16, 2008

Number One Report.

SKIING HOLIDAY. That phrase consists of two words. The first word “Skiing” is very important but the second word is also important. I believe that the whole holiday should be enjoyed. However sometimes over indulgence during the holiday can ruin your skiing.
Two of my clients did not turn up for the beginners class on Tuesday, due to get overcooked on the Monday Night Pub Crawl.. When they turned up for their lesson the following day, they found that the class had all progressed so much, that they could not keep up with the others in the group. Obviously it is not fair to hold up the whole class because some people have over indulged so they left the class. Sometimes, we are able to find a very slow group with room to take these people, but it is not always possible.
Progress during the first three days of lessons is so fast, with a very steep learning curve. So when clients miss a day, they cannot rejoin their class, unless we can find another group with a suitable level and space. It means that they have virtually left ski school. They can book private lessons if they want to catch up with their group or just do their own thing. So be warned, be sensible with your evening entertainment if you want to enjoy your skiing. Even better skiers cannot ski well with a hangover, I should know!
I am not against having a drink, after all it is YOUR holiday and you should enjoy it which ever way you choose without being lectured to by a boring old fart. I am only trying to explain the consequences of missing lessons during the first three days of your holiday.
I have had three really great nights in my hotel: THE PALARINE, New Year’s Eve,Burns’ Night and the Chinese New Year. Living in the hotel meant that I only had a very short distance to stagger to bed. Now they are talking about hiring an Irish band for St Patrick’s Day. Instructors have to be fit not only for skiing but for the après ski as well. I do a lot of training, to be able to enjoy the evening and still ski the next day. After all it is a working day for me but it is YOUR holiday. ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY AND THE SKIING.

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