Saturday, January 24, 2009


Unfortunately, we have had a wet and windy end to the week. It is no consolation to this week’s clients, telling them that the people last week had wonderful weather. Like a beach holiday, there is not much that one can do about the weather. This time of the year, we usually enjoy good conditions. It may make feel bette,r that I have been hearing from home that the weather in the UK has been foul. Most people here enjoyed the skiing with a taste of the new snow.

Now, for a bit of random news: the PALARINE had a flying car in the garage this week. A group of very nice people are driving this car from London to Timbuktu and hope to fly it across the straights of Gibraltar. They stayed at this hotel before driving through Spain. Their progress can be found online at skycar expedition.

I may be in for a hectic social few days. Tonight I am going to a 21st birthday celebration for Ciara, one of my beginners, in the Derby. Then tomorrow, it is a Burns Night Party in the Barsolana. Next Thursday, there will be a grand Scottish Dinner Dance, to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. There will be roast Scotch beef and other Scottish dishes, including haggis. There will be jigs and reels, and dancing to music by TREVOR, who will be accompanied, this year, by the beautiful IRENE on her flute. It sounds like a great evening but I will have to keep reminding myself that I shall be working on Friday, with the weekly ski school race.

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