Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ski Instructors Report 20th February 2011

After last week’s report someone accused me of knocking the Decades. On the contrary, I was praising the event but I still think that the venue lacks charm. You enter the build by way of a long corridor lined on both sides by beer kegs. But when inside the atmosphere is terrific, this may be due to the fact that a pint of beer costs €1 before 10 pm. Perhaps that is why they need so many spare kegs.

Now to the skiing; we had a couple of days of light snow fall, otherwise the weather was excellent for skiing. I had a great group of Dry slope/advanced beginners. Most of them had only skied on a dry slope or in a Snow Dome. After the first lesson, one lady asked me an intelligent question. Can you ski anywhere or are there rules? Yes, there are a set of guidelines set out by the F.I.S. I do not have a copy in front of me but I will try to explain what I can remember.

1. The skier further down the mountain has right of way. The skier above must take avoiding action and when overtaking a slower skier they should pass behind the slower skier and not in front of them

2. Do not stop on a narrow path. When stopping on a wide piste always stop at the side. You may often see a great gaggle of snowboarders cooling their anal passages in the centre of the piste. This is particularly dangerous, should a out of control skier or snow boarder collide with their backs.

3. Before starting after a stop, always look up the hill to check that the way is clear and someone is not about to pass you.

4. Choose a slope suitable for your ability

5. Ski at a speed that will allow you to avoid any slower skiers.

I am a little late in writing this report, as I normally do this on Saturday; however I went to a marvellous BBQ instead. It was held at a barbeque site just below the top car park. It was the birthday of Liz our beautiful Directski rep. The invitation was for 12 noon. I arrived a little late as I have been to Andorran barbeques before. This was a good decision as the first meat was severed at twenty five minutes to three. This did leave us with plenty of time for a prelunch drink. The chef and organiser, had enjoyed a very hectic night at Decades on Friday night and went over to a quiet corner, was sick then fell asleep on the grass. Several volunteers took over the cooking but I felt that some had not done the Health and Hygiene in the Kitchen Course. The guest list included the Crème de la Crème of Arinsal society. Had we all been struck done with illness, there would have been no one to pull pints, put clients on coaches or teach skiing in Arinsal. It was a lovely day. The sun shown briefly and I saw two whole sides of lamb being butchered then thrown onto the fire. There were very tasty pieces of chicken that the chef had marinated and dusted with herbs, before passing out. I enjoyed the food, drink and company. Shortly after we left the mountain it started to snow. The timing was perfect.

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