Saturday, March 20, 2010

Music was very much the theme for this week. The Big Snow Festival attracted a lot of skiers and snowboarders. The ones I met seemed a very nice bunch; however I was never around for the 11 pm to 3 am gig at the Surf. I understand that was, (how shall I put it?) very lively

On Wednesday all the bars celebrated the birthday of St. Patrick, The Weightless Astronauts from Galway started the evening in the derby at 5 pm. There was a bit of Irish dancing, (at which I was not very good) then a lot of modern beat and jive (at which I was even worse). I then went to the Quo Vadis where I danced to Mike (aka Elvis) whilst wearing a freebie hat that looked like a pint of Guinness. I was dropped off at the Palarine by my dance partner, the lovely Corinne, about 8-30 pm.. That gave me a very short break to have bath and then enjoy the special Irish dinner provided by the Palarine. After dinner we went into the bar where the ubiquitous Mike had set up his equipment for a special Irish session. We had a few guest singers the beautiful Jackie from Majorca and Mike’s daughter, Lucy. Both these ladies drew much more applause than Mike. I sure we did “Sweet Caroline” somewhere but I cannot remember where or when. We stopped celebrating just before 3 in the morning. It had been a long day but a very enjoyable one.

Next morning my 9 am class had a few absentees, they were Irish and of course, here on holiday to enjoy themselves. Which they thoroughly did...

Tomorrow the 21st we will have a live appearance of Leapy Lee, who I am sure, will sing his biggest hit “Little Arrows”. I will do a report on the event next week.

Now back to the skiing. We had a great week of sunshine with cold snow until the last couple of days when the temperature rose. Then it was typical spring conditions,; firm first thing and soft late in the afternoon. The sun was so strong that one of my group missed a day due to sunburn. She attended hospital for treatment but was able to ski for the remainder of the week, with her face covered. I mention this merely as a warning to anyone coming to Arinsal in March or April, do use a lot of sun cream..

We have very few guests for the next three weeks, so anyone looking for a good deal with any of the hotels should get a bargain.

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