Sunday, March 23, 2008

Number One Report.

SMOKERS. Arinsal, Andorra is a great place for smokers. I noticed in the supermarkets, that several well known brands cost about 20 euros for 200 cigarettes. If you do not smoke for pleasure but merely to feed your addiction, consider some of the local brands. They are about half that price. Just think of the damage 400 smokes can cause for about 20 euros! Just remember that we are NOT in the EU, so you are only allowed to take 200 cigarettes back with you. Andorra has not caught up with mainstream Europe yet. They still allow smoking in bars but I have noticed this season, several polite Irish and English smokers going outside to smoke. HOTEL PALARINE bans smoking in the dining room but permits it in the bar.. Andorra usually catches up with the rest of Europe, in its own time. For example women have had the vote since 1970 and in 2005 Andorra admitted 6 asylum seekers. Some may consider both of those developments as retrograde steps. I do not think this is the right place to debate these matters. Now for the serious stuff, when I left the mountain this afternoon, it had just started to SNOW.

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